So, I have an '82 CB650. I got it used, and I spent a bunch of time on it. I took the carbs out, gave them a thorough cleaning, replaced all the o-rings, and all the vacuum lines, as well as the fuel lines. (yes, I did split all the carbs apart) Now, since then, it's run really well. I know that my carbs are probably out of sync, since they were completely apart, but it ran just fine. Fast foward to the colder days.....
Now, when I go out at 5 in the morning to ride to work, it will not start. Sure, it will turn over and cough right away, but that is the extent of what it will do. I have tried all positions of choke, as well as playing with the throttle. The only way I have found to start it up is to pull out the two accessible spark plugs, spray some starting fluid in, and crank her ver again. That usually works.
Any idea what I could be facing? I'm not ready to put the bike up for the season just yet....
It does have: 10-40 oil, new filter, air filter is clean, new plugs and wires. I checked the lash of the valves, as well as the cam chain. I don't have a timing light, so I just did a static check, per the Clymer's manual.....