I couldn't believe it. There was a post sometime back on how many SOHC4's we'd
seen around our area and, at that time, all I'd ever seen were the H-D, Sport bikes,
Cruisers, Gold Wings with an occasional Norton Commando. Well, today changed all that.
While at the car wash this morning, I looked up when I heard a familiar sound. If I didn't
know better, I'd have thought toycollector was riding by. Now I know there's no way he
could have ridden over to Arkansas but, there it was, a beautiful red SOHC 750 that looked
like a 69'. That bike looked like it had just rolled off of the showroom floor! If only I could
have seen it close up (it wasn't that far away when it went by and it wasn't going fast
cause, it was in town). Looked just like toycollector's bike Maybe I'll get a chance later, if
he wasn't just passing through town. Just thought I'd share.
Later on, Bill