While rebuilding my carbs I decided to polish them. Thought I would mention what I used. #0000 steel wool on bodies caps and bowls. Make sure to hold the openings on the carb body down as you do this to keep the bits of steel wool and dust out of the carb. Blow all around with compressed air to remove all the bits and dust. I then soaked them in chem dip. Once washed and dried I just used Magic Blue metal polish (any metal polish should work). Keep the polish away from ports screw holes etc. It was relatively easy and I would suggest to only do this while cleaning/rebuilding or if the carb is completely together and the intake/outputs are sealed up to avoid getting anything in the carbs. You could probably use a fine/polishing scotchbrite pad but the steel wool gets into the nooks and crannys better.
Oh, and wear gloves or you will have some tiny steel wool splinters in your fingers.