test stator....you can put 12 volt +at the yellov vire..or all of them and konnekt a 12 55w bulb.( use a car battery loader for power..it have a fuse).and then put the cirkiult at frame -..if the bulb lights there are a short to metal frame..and the stator are defekt
there have to be a user( bulb). in this cirklut.or you blov the viring it vill short and melt all ...
a megger is the right tool to do this isolasion (break down) test..
carloader + to light to stator yellov vire...
carloader- to frame metal ring at stator..
if the light burns..there are a short (konnektion from vindings to metal )and the stator are shorted...find a used..or get it revindet
(all 3 yellov vires goes throug 3 vindings and are konnekted to a kommon konnektoin at the back of the vindings)