550 a sickness? How can that be? I'll bet it's the most healthy thing that you can do.
You could be out in the bars all night ,or chasing skirts,or even knocking off liquor stores.
Nooooo. This is a very healthy activity.
Excellent for eye hand co ordination, occupies the mind when otherwise flatlineing in front of the TV or at work, usually centers you to a geographic area where you can be found during any emergency...or when it's time to do dishes .., whatever.
The point is, that you are now easily available , you are improving your mind and techniques Thus making your time more valueable. You must be feeling the effects of all the extra energy, and vitality that this activity provides.
Withdrawl from said activity are sometimes severe and may cause diarrhea or upset stomach ,erratic behavior and depression, and in most cases, boredom.
In the event this happens to you, buy 2 550's and start another build thread in the morning.
The preceding is a public service message.