Author Topic: newbie with cb750f clutch problems  (Read 518 times)

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newbie with cb750f clutch problems
« on: April 04, 2015, 11:29:00 AM »
Morning everyone.  Where to start. My name is ryan ive been working on mechanical things as long as i can remeber and recently the last couple years stsrted on motorcycles. This forum has been very helpful the last year or so and I greatly appreciate everyone's input and expertise about all the random problems I've encountered. I really should have made an account long agone but it always seemed like my answers were found in old threads so I was kinda lazy about it. But nowith that I have spent a good week or so sifting through old pages and diagrams and such with no end in sight I decided to reach out and ask for some help before I go crazy. (And please be gentle and forgive any typos or Grammer errors because I am doing this from a phone)

Little back story to all of this. Last year I had bought 4 motorcycles from a gentleman cleaning out his garage. (3 1976 cb750's and 1 1976 cb550) and a few boxes of miscellaneous parts. After getting rid of 2 of the 750's I put some money into the 550 to finish the previous owners cafe project and using what I had learned from here, low and behold I had my first motorcycle on the road. Instantly loved it and wanted more.

After about 7 months I started to realize that I was a little big for a 550 so I decided to move onto the last bike I had with papers and thats a 1976 cb750f. unfortunately the frame was not in very good shape but the motor looked to be doing better. After a long debate and seeing how many parts I was truly lacking I decided it would be best to salvage what I could and try my luck with a new hard tail and rebuild her from there. but as we all know nothing is cheap these days and ended up having to sell the 550 to fund the new project.

A few months into it and everything was going great. finally had something to look at in the garage that resembled a new idea and thought I could finally see the end....well I thought I could anyways. So last week I finally get her started. Everything sounded good and was functioning properly except I couldn't get the clutch to work no matter what I did. And that's about as much good news as this story has in it now.

So This is where I'm really hoping someone in this community can help me. so ive read about rocking the engine, warming it up and trying the same. I've removed and cleaned the entire clutch and basket. Along with adjusting everything as per specs in the manual. 

Now here's the funny thing. The clutch has 7 fiber plates and 6 steeel ones. But also had 2 brass looking plates stuffed in there also. One at the very front. And one at the very back. I cant find any info that these should eve exist in this clutch.  Furthermore with or without those 2 plates installed, the clutch can spin freely inside the basket up until the point i tighten down the nut on the outer plate. As soon as it gets tight it's almost as if everything is bound together and can only function as one. No matter what adjustment on the cable or outer plate adjustment it will never release. The clutch lever has tension. Not too tight or anything like that. It DOES feel like it's functioning as it should. I just can't get the clutch to release. After looking at numerous diagrams and websites I'm assuming I'm missing a part or two on the clutch but I can't for the life of me find said parts anywhere or even if that's what I really need. What I've noticed is the tabbed washer and circlip in most pictures I've seen are nowhere to be found. I'm chalking that up to the previous owner. But I'm not sure if I even have the right parts after all of this.

I can take pictures of whatever is needed. And I am more than willing to answer any questions. Just lemme know. I really appreciate this community and hope someone can help.  I just wanna ride again! Lol. Thanks to anyone in advance and hope to hear fromy you guys soon.

And also I do apologize if this has been too long of a story as it's been a kind of introduction/back story/plea of help all wrapped in one. Bear with me it'll only happen this once. Lol