Author Topic: Cl350 idle issue ...keeping me up at night!  (Read 985 times)

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Offline ScramblinRambler

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Cl350 idle issue ...keeping me up at night!
« on: June 23, 2015, 10:27:51 AM »
Hello my first post here . I have an issue with my 71 cl350 twin and I have posted it on other forums and have yet to fine a solution .

Problem: idle drops(from around 1300 -1400 to about 1100-1200 then leads to a stall after engine is fully warm  (about 10 mile ride).

Symptoms :The bike starts first kick . Idles smoothly cold and accelerates through all gears at all throttle positions. Idle speed will increase after a short bit of riding as expected then after a longer distance (another five miles or so ) when I've come to a stop the idle will drop (by about 200 rpms) then will slowly drop and 1200...1000...600...400... and stall (in a matter of 5 to 10 seconds or so.) And if the engine is very hot it will not be able to hold an idle after given throttle and letting off it will just stall.Problem gets worse the hotter the engine is
.Only other thing noticed is my air mixture screw settings on my carbs need to be way off to run right.(max lean on left carb idles best... max lean on right kills engine otherwise screw has little effect on right side.
also some oil vapor is present at the breather .and holding the throttle open will keep the bike at idle speeds .

Modifications and work done:

Cl350 pipes and 12 inch glasspacks .. Unifoam air filters (same issue on stock filters)

points timed and gapped
valves gapped

carbs rebuilt new floats..needles..seats ... 75 secondary 115 mains ...35 pilots  ..fuel filters ...good flow...float height set.New intake boots.

Electrics rebuilt : new battery stator points.. new ignition coils,condesers, plug wires , plug caps .

Engine: cylinders honed and cross hatched new rings 170psi both cam chain and tensioner. Cam is in decent shape as are journals.

I'm at my wits end with this bike . I love it and it runs beutifully besides this issue .Any help would be greatly appreciated. Not my first vintage honda bit the first one giving me this much grief.

Offline grcamna2

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Re: Cl350 idle issue ...keeping me up at night!
« Reply #1 on: June 23, 2015, 10:46:21 AM »
What's the color of your spark plugs? it may be running rich and fouling the plugs.
75' CB400F/'bunch o' parts' & 81' CB125S modded to a 'CB200S'
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Offline ScramblinRambler

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Re: Cl350 idle issue ...keeping me up at night!
« Reply #2 on: June 23, 2015, 10:59:43 AM »
Right plug is good almost a tad lean(side mixture screw kills if leaned out) and left is good but a tad rich but only on one side of the insulator.

Offline grcamna2

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Re: Cl350 idle issue ...keeping me up at night!
« Reply #3 on: June 23, 2015, 05:32:26 PM »
Sure isn't easy to diagnose this w/o being near the bike & checking some stuff..
75' CB400F/'bunch o' parts' & 81' CB125S modded to a 'CB200S'
  I love the small ones too !
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