I don't think your igntion switch has anything at all to do with your charging anomalies. It's good that you're sorting it out, but, the BLK wire from the Regulator is only a sensing wire, meaning it's reading, not carrying current. The BLK wires from the stock key switch, in the headlight, in the harness do all carry 12v when switched at the key.
So the troubleshooting diagram I linked is harder to test with a Ricks if you are trying to test the Rectifier or the Regulator, as they're combined units now. But I would focus on the output of the stator, and track where the Ricks Loose BLK wire plugged into the harness. From that connection to the harness, track the other side and verify it has a solid connection to the battery POS side.
If during your tests, you had the Ricks BLK wire disconnected, and you were seeing 15-16v from the stator, that's fine. The stator will go that high without the Regulator in place to limit it.
So as I said in my first post: you're conflating issues with your charging and your key switch now. Stick solely to the charging components- battery, alternator/stator, Rectifier/Regulator. Confirm these components work, then move along to wire connections afterwards.