Then again I could be completely wrong.
Given Sean Penn's history, my money is on this. He is not an altruistic philanthropist. He's been a heavy drug user, alcoholic, domestic abuser, has raised a kid into the same fold, and cavorts with dictators (Hugo Chavez). Hardly a Saint, and very likely not at all heroic.
His father was blackballed under McCarthy and some believe he (Sean) has held anti-social, anti-American positions ever since. Professing to be a legitimate interviewer, his interview indicts Chapo's users for creating the demand, essentially calling all of them (users) complicit in Chapo's heinous deeds. Yeah, he's an undercover heroic mole. Not.
But I do agree, great that Chapo is caught again. Let's just see if they can keep hold of him this time, and maybe Penn and he can share a cell.