Took a closer look at the engine yesterday and it was not an uplifting experience. Busted fins on the jugs, chewed up fins on the other side of the head and the "chrome" is lifting off of the left side engine covers and the cam cover. Looks like some damage at the top of the alternator cover as well.
So I'm going to at least have to replace the whole top end and the alternator cover, as well as the other left side engine cover. If I knew I could get the "chrome" off, cleanly and inexpensively, I'd just polish the other cover. Although I guess that wouldn't match the clutch cover.
Haven't pulled anything apart yet to see what shape the internals are in. Not even sure if it makes sense to try to start it at this point before just tearing everything down. Think it would more or less just be to see if anything unexpected and dramatic happened, to point me in the direction of potential problems that I hadn't noticed yet. Real bummer that the engine is in such gross shape. I was just going to run with the chrome covers when I thought they'd clean up halfway decently, but considering how much money, time and work I'll be putting into the rest of the bike, that engine is going to at least look halfway decent. Rather be spending the money on things like pistons and rings, though.
The kickstart lever has a chunk out of it that's rusting up and the rims are definitely pitted. The swingarm chrome seems to be okay, I'll know better as I clear out more of the grime. I had thought about just roughing up the rims and having them powder coated black to match the hubs, but I'm wondering if it would make more sense to find some aluminum rims instead...
The fork uppers are pitted as well, although it looks to be above the travel area. Might flog them for a few bucks towards having CycleX making me some new longer ones that would take Schrader valves.
Going to make me feel a whole lot better once I start pulling busted bits and giving things some cleaning. I've got quite the collection of parts ready to go and it will seem a lot less futile once I can see some changes happening. Right now though? Yeesh, what a heap.