Pretty carbs 
I see you're planning on swapping jets while the bowls are off. I'm a fan of doing one thing at a time. Not saying don't do this, but I like to be methodical.
Yeah CT has nicer roads, NYC road are garbage. North of NYC has some nice roads, though.
Thanks! Wish I had the CR26 rack you got. Great build and build thread Dave.
I prefer one step at a time as well, but unfortunately I only have a few hours a week to wrench her, if I'm lucky.
K, Ill just accept the warm up.
I'm always checking for leaks w/ carb clean and starting fluid, pretty air tight.
I've choked to test against lean, didn't improve. I also played with switch the petcock to reserve. Nothing.
I would actually love a video of the sound.
So guys...
This morning's commute was the worst she's ever ran. Like jiffy-pop she constantly back-fired my entire trip. And even more strange, I started running on 3 cylinders then 4. Was coming in an out. Can a plug fowl and then recover?
This last time she ran this badly was the last time she got rained on, fouling #3. She got rained on last night, and I kind-of expected something. But this was really bad. Kept stalling, total power loss, dead-zones, awful.
The majority of the bogging down was when I passed 1/3 OT. Would gargle n pop and fall on its face.
I'm going to let her sit and dry a bit then check the plugs and start her up and hopefully get back to where I left off.