Author Topic: Found...1970 750 what?  (Read 2026 times)

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Offline Magpie

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Found...1970 750 what?
« on: November 11, 2006, 07:39:42 AM »
Before I start pulling apart this motor that's been under a workbench for some 30+ years should I fill the cases with very light oil or ATF and let it "soak" for awhile? I gently tried to see if it moves inside with the kickstarter but nothing moved. It's going to come apart anyway but I don't want to rush things like I usually do. I've squirted oil down the bores and over the valve train already.
 It's an exciting find!


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Re: Found...1970 750 what?
« Reply #1 on: November 11, 2006, 08:12:01 AM »
See if you can find out why it is stuck. It could be the grearbox or maybe the camchain is stuck somehow.
If you can get it to move without taking appart. Fill it up with petrolium or diesel-fuel in stead of oill. Kick it over a few times (5 or 6 should do) and let it stand for a week or so. This will disolve most of the crud. Drain the petrolium and fill with oil and new oil filter, let it run for a minute or two and change the oil and filter again.
« Last Edit: November 11, 2006, 10:47:08 AM by johnny-from-bel »

Offline Magpie

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Re: Found...1970 750 what?
« Reply #2 on: November 11, 2006, 08:41:51 AM »
Thanks for that! Good start!


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Re: Found...1970 750 what?
« Reply #3 on: November 11, 2006, 05:27:35 PM »
Did you get it unstuck yet??

"Ed's Red" is a home-brew concoction for cleaning powder-fouling out of firearms. The guy who came up with it worked as an armorer at one of the US Arsenals. I'm tell you guys - its absolutely MONEY as a soaking penetrant/cleaner for cases like that. Gets rid of alllll kinds of crap. Pour some down the spark plug holes and let 'er soak. If you want more "creep" as a penetrant, cut the ATF in half.

Ed's Red is equal parts Acetone, ATF, Kerosene, Mineral Spirits

Wicked stuff!!!



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Re: Found...1970 750 what?
« Reply #4 on: November 11, 2006, 06:33:48 PM »

Offline Magpie

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Re: Found...1970 750 what?
« Reply #5 on: November 15, 2006, 12:02:24 PM »
That sounds like quite a volitile mixture! I'll get the ingerdiants today. Should I leave the motor outside while this concoction is in it? How long have you let parts/motors soak in it? Any damage to o rings?

Offline dusterdude

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Re: Found...1970 750 what?
« Reply #6 on: November 15, 2006, 12:58:36 PM »
or marvel mystery oil
1972 k1 750
1949 fl panhead
1 1/2 gl1100 goldwings
1998 cbr600 f3


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Re: Found...1970 750 what?
« Reply #7 on: November 15, 2006, 02:26:04 PM »
That sounds like quite a volitile mixture! I'll get the ingerdiants today. Should I leave the motor outside while this concoction is in it? How long have you let parts/motors soak in it? Any damage to o rings?

Test it. Put an O-ring in the mix for a week. If it does not disolve or swels up its ok.