So trying to get started with the electrics!
Im gonna use AlBundys (thanks for letting me!) wiring diagram, might make one more specific to my build soon though since I use the M-button, no starter and the wire-colors might be a bit different.
This is the diagram
Im trying to understand how to wire the reg/rec, and i can't seem to really do it..
from the alternator comes five wires, three YELLOW, one GREEN and one WHITE. my understanding, and as seen in the diagram, is that all these connects to the reg/rec. The thing is that from the reg/rec, the five wires that are bundled together in a white connector is three YELLOW one RED and one GREEN. other than those wires there are three "loose" ones, one BLACK one GREEN and one WHITE.
So i guess my question is, which wires from the reg/rec connects to which wires from the alternator? The sane way this should be done, at least in my mind, is that the five wires bundled togehter goes to the five wires that comes from the alternator. Is it just that the RED from reg/rec goes to WHITE from the alternator? or is it the loose WHITE that connects to WHITE from the alternator, which is what the diagram says. And in wich case the WHITE should switch places with the RED in the connector.
This way makes more sense to me, and is how i think it should be! did ricks f** up and put the wrong wire in the connector?