Over the weekend, I greased the steering head bearings, installed the front disk, checked clearance so I can order shocks that will not cause the tire to meet the frame, greased the swingarm, installed the starter, replaced points and condensors, soaked the carbs and other bit, filled with oil, and cleaned and installed the intakes.
I realized the front bleeder was rusty, so I have another ordered, as well as a replacement gas cap gasket, and new rear brake switch and spring. I have been unable to find the pedal return spring though. I have mine still, but even after soaking, it has some pitting, so I would prefer replacing it. Anyone know if its the same as a 750? I have located plenty of those...
Ignore the clutch cable routing. I had not thought to order shortened cables. I am curious if I ship the new cables back to 4into1, if they would give me credit. Better send another email.
Opening the carbs was pretty nasty. The bowl on the right looked to be filled with a mix of baby poo and snot. Jets should arrive today, so hopefully I can get them all cleaned up throughout the week, replace all the gaskets and o-rings, and get them on installed before the weekend. I am trying to finish one thing at a time, otherwise I keep getting overwhelmed.