Rhonda was a one-kick pony up until a few weeks ago... Now only kicks when she feels like it.
1: Replacing my carb boots because they were cracked
2: PERFECT vac sync (no rattle at idle now!)
3. Setting static timing just right
It feels like this bike will never start with kick. light pushes to get it to compression, up and down hard... NOTHING. I used to be able to kick start no problem, even when it was +2C outside. Feels like there is no resistance when I kick, almost. It just seems so strange. Sometimes it'll go first kick, but most of the time I get out of breath and resort to the push start, and she fires right up.
Then I got my HM Ignition...
4: Installing HondaMan ignition module
5: Setting my dynamic timing spot on with timing light
I thought this would fix the problem, but still no kicking!
Nothing else was changed.
Ideas welcome...