I'm not sure what you guys consider a tear down and rebuild but I pulled everything off of the bike but did not take the engine apart.
I've repainted everything, degreased everything, soaking anything rusty in Metal Rescue, and installing some new features, trying to keep the bike with as many original parts as I can.
The only thing not original is the headlamp from a CL77 305....love that inset speedo.
If you haven't tried Spraymax 2k clear coat and looking for a good one...that is it.
This is the first time I've done anything like this so youtube, this forum, and google have been my best friend...one thing I realized was true was how much you end up putting into your bike if you decided to work on it.
The tank has been fun, prepping and painting and applying the pin stripe decal was interesting.
The picture of the bike with the white portion on the tank was right before I decided to break it all down....that was the moment when I could have left it alone but the faded frame just bothered me too much. The first time I lined up the decal on the tank I had them set too far forward and didn't realize it until after I sprayed some primer on there..so I lined it all up again and did it right the second time.
the engine has been painted black but its going to have some chrome parts showing with a few orange areas to tie into the orange "F" that is on the side cover.