HONDA GN4 in 10W40 or CASTROL GTX 20W 50 if the bike shops are closed. Other than those two, I don't know that it really matters. I have hammered bikes and cars for years and severly neglected the engines. (except the chains and carbs) Does the type of engine oil matter? do frequent oil changes matter? I had 283,000+ miles on a 1997 4WD NISSAN truck and I changed the oil between 10-20k miles, 30k once and the owner's book called for 9k. Smogged clean as a butterfly with an air filter once a year and sparkplugs every two years. It ran like a new Caddy when I sold it, never replaced a single part on that puppy except a cam belt and locking front hub. I had over 300K miles on a 1990 chevy G30 van, 4.1 litre V6 when I parked it and I hadn't changed the oil the whole time I owned it....maybe 100k miles. I NEVER changed the oil on a 1982 Yammy XS400 and I routinely ran it at full throttle untill it ran out of fuel for three years, same for a 1975 CB360T Hell, I didn't even know if they had filters!!!. Modern oils are pretty damned good, get any SAE grade CC, CD or better and it'll work fine? (please don't beat me up too bad guys! lol) I do like the HONDA GN4 best, the bikes do too. Smoother shifting and quieter running but it's $16 a gallon, GTX is bout $8. I am kinda funny about "old" oil, if it's been sitting for a while I flush and refill, run till hot and replace the oil and filter. Keep an eye on it that the cabs don't dump and flood the cases. It's a HONDA, you have to try pretty hard to mess it up ;-)/