The carbs for this project, I picked up at Barber last year. They were super clean, had some chrome bowls and tops, and supposedly were on a bike not too long ago.
I took a quick look inside, sprayed a little carb cleaner through them, and slapped them on. That was a mistake on my part. Fuel pissing out the overflows like crazy. I've been through CB550 carbs plenty of times, but I have a carb guy within walking distance of my house. Yanked them off yesterday and dropped them off. Sure enough, the one area I didn't get into was the issue. I didn't pull the floats and fuel valves. The O-rings were crumbling.
Rick has a method of polishing and seating the needles and he installed new O-rings on the fuel valves, main jets and drain screws for me. He also cleaned them up a bit better. Ought to be good to go this time.
Hope to get them back on in a day or two and fire it up again and make attempt #2 and tuning it. I also re-adjusted the valves yesterday.