69 Honda ct70's are a little different, this is what we have noticed,
1a) The silver tag on the neck is made from the same materel as the black tags are, but no date of manufacture.
1) Early silver tags have wheels with no bosses. also the spokes are flat in the center.
2) Early 69's have Front fender with a lip in front.
3) Headlight ring doesn't have as much detail around adjusting screw as latter models do. and is welded together at bottom latter models are one piece.
4) High beam light in Speedo is made of fabric not a lens. and inside there's only 1 rubber tube holding up the faceplate.
5) Early silver tag Brake levers are made of plastic.
6) Engine cradles have square pads where spark plug guard goes. continued beyond 69 production
7) Seats have bolt on tool carriers.

Taillight wire goes up thru frame close to where taillight mounts.
9) Early taillight has brazed on bosses.
10) Rear brake stabilizer is straight, doesn't have the bends in it.
11) Chain guard is held on with Philips screws.
12) Horn is black and has screws holding it together.
13) Exhaust pipe has taper end no stub.
14) One piece Stator Cover.
15) Wire guide on eng./Frame is silver not black.
16) Gas Tank Bracket is a little shorter. continued beyond 69 production
17) Large #8 on head bolts holding wheels to hub's
18) The center bracket that holds the exhaust is different on a Silver Tag 69, might be early black tag too. It is a little larger and has a "Dog Leg" in it so it reaches closer to the frame, and there isn't a extra long nut on the motor mount where it bolts on, Instead it has a short nut on the motor mount, then the bracket, then a lock washer and another nut.
19)Every bolt is large "8" on head should be added.
20)Spark plug boot should have black ngk logo like early z50's
21)Head can have a diamond and three or four lines
22)Air cannister does not have rear rubber boot on early models (has metal boot instead)
23)Carb has aluminum looking hose connections instead of brass.
24)Crude welds on chain guard.
25)No battery overflow hole above rear fender.
26)Thinner handle bar knobs.