Serveral people think I'm incompetent mechanically becuse I mostly keep my posts to the humor section.... I dont think so but I'm biased..
I just havent run into any problems I couldnt resolve as of yet...
1976 CB 750k6
I seem to have misplaced the center linkage on the four carb choke levers, its shaped like O--===--O like eye bolts screwed into an inch long nut then another eyebolt.... one honda place near i called said they could special order one for $15 +Shp they sell these nuts and bolts at Lowes Hardware I can just match them up and replace it a lot cheaper.... another dealer said they had no idea what i was talking about, that there was nothing on the schematic like that... maybe he just didnt know what he was talking about I dont know...
my problem is that I have been looking at some carbs on here and e-bay and theirs is a straight flat metal plate not the nut assembly, so i was wondering if this was stock or if a PO just rigged something up...
PS i have temporarily misplaced the Manual to look it up myself maybe its in the trunk of my car
any info would be greatly appreciated