Don, they may be ugly but they serve(d) a purpose. I would wish to do a 100-150 miles in the seat to see how it is. The odd thing of it is the king/queen really does not look out of place and draw your eye to it like on the CB bikes. What do you expect on a couch like the Wing? Considering that Sargent and Corbin both made versions of those seat it is not like they were some uncomfortable option or makers like them would not stake their reputation on something like that for a few dollars. Not if they were smart. Bringing such a product to market could be an embarassing failure so they apparently did their research or followed a wave.
Larry, MoMo, modified on on his 400/450 he built to be a solo seat with a few reductions and it looked very good.
So, I guess I am more Swedish in my design tastes of form following function ( function being more important as it says just in case anyone were to misunderstand.)
I doubt you will have a problem with that seat, just would want to test it before embarking on a several thousand mile trip. Glad you are bold enough to handle any abuse the hater of them might have. Yes, I agree with them that they look awful on a CB, but I would prefer to be more comfortable than worry with looks on a trip...besides, does it really matter what others think who have no bearing on your life?