In NY I rarely saw anything serious enough to do damage in the road. Too much traffic just takes care of it. Since moving to Ohio I am shocked at the stuff I see on the highway. Yesterday I had a 14 mile drive from south columbus to northeast and I saw at least 1 couch, a beat to crap dryer, a couple of chairs, many large dead animals, 3 front bumpers, 2 different crushed flat exhaust pipes, and an air-conditioning unit. This wasn't on surface streets, this was on a major interstate, most of it was on the left lane shoulder, and almost all of it had signs of having contact with a vehicle. In the past I have seen everything from truck caps to dining tables. This wasn't just "dumped stuff" like I used to see in NY (largest thing I saw was a boat off the trailer on the side of the Grand Central Parkway) this was fell out of the back of a pickup stuff. It's made me much more conscious of the stuff people are hauling.
I also had my first Ohio cigarette flick. In NYC I used to get these occasionally because the volume of traffic is higher and everyone is packed together so it's easy for some numb nuts to toss a cig carelessly and it hit me. I think this one though was intentional because when the cherry hit my face shield I yelled <expletive deleted> really loud and the truck immediately turned left and away from me plus I was close enough where they had to have seen me (tinted windows so I couldn't see them).