I understand how the taper of the needle impacts fuel delivery.
Regarding float levels, I am very fixated because while I understand the ease of fuel delivery created by raising the fuel level in the bowl (and its ability to richen across the entire jet needle range), it seems arbitrary to just raise fuel levels to their highest point and tune from there.
I guess what I don't understand is if raising the fuel makes tuning easier (at least in my case), why wouldn't Honda have raised the fuel levels in the bowl to as high as possible and then tuned with smaller jets straight out of the factory? Another way of putting it is, how does Honda determine the appropriate float height? What is the science behind float height? I know fuel level can be too low and cause the engine to starve, but could raising the fuel level too high create a problem (maybe atomization of the fuel is more difficult no matter the jet size because more leaks past the needle?)? If so, I would want to avoid this.
There is an optimal float level for my setup (I assume). I have absolutely no way of determining what it is. So why potentially set them high and tune out the flat/troublesome spots as opposed to tuning out the flat/troublesome spots with the float levels where they are now (assuming they deliver enough fuel to support WOT)?
Not trying to be difficult, but I guess I just need the science behind the float height to put an end to my tuning questions. The answers are probably somewhere in this forum.
Either way, after the discussion below (thanks to everyone for the knowledge), I believe I know enough about carb basics to tune the bike.