Author Topic: Need advice after compression test  (Read 390 times)

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Need advice after compression test
« on: October 29, 2017, 03:12:40 PM »

Just did a compression test on a CB500 -73 that's been standing for at least 5 years, which I bought earlier this year. Now my question is:

Should I (after changing oil, spark plugs, checking cam chain and valves) try to get it running?

The numbers sure are better than I expected, even though they of course aren't optimal.

All numbers in PSI.

Firs dry test.

1: 117
2: 113
3: 80
4: 110

Pretty even except that number 3 cylinder...

I then poured a little bit of fresh engine oil into the chambers and got these numbers.

1: 185
2: 182
3: 150
4: 163

Very surprised about the high numbers on #1 & 2. Also surprised about #4 not being closer to #1 & 2 in the wet test when looking at how close they were in the dry test.

So, what do you think about its condition? You never know if it's right, but the tach is showing about 64.000km, or about 40.000 miles.

With no history on the engine, I'm afraid of things like the cam chain tensioner and perhaps piston rings gotten brittle over the years.

Thankful for any pointers on what action to take to be safe and making the most out of this engine.

