I had a lady back out of her driveway in front of me about a year ago, and had to do a panic stop.
When you have no damping from o.e. shocks during a panic situation, in a straight line, the front of the bike dives from the sudden application of the front brake. At the same time, the rear of the bike, raises. INSTANTLY.
Not a good thing. Know the risk your taking when you run original shocks. By this point in time,
they're just going along for the ride. I learned the hard way. I now run reconditioned konis, with my o.e. springs
and shrouds. They work well, are adjustable, and look stock. Koni's come up on ebay once and a while. a guy
in Omaha rebuilds them.
Thanks, My Name is Nobody. Yet another model to check out. Couldn't I reproduce what you experienced in a safe parking lot? A slam stop?
Not something I'd recommend. My oe shocks were ineffective. No rebound damping at all, rear tire not planted well=less stopping traction. Rear brake locked easier. Made me nervous
on curves as well, at times. Mine were on my 550. My k5 750 might have acted different with more weight, dunno. What is certain is, that a shocks duty is to keep the tire on the road under all conditions.
Road conditions change constantly when the bike is moving, so there's a lot going on. Good rear shocks
stabilize things. The koni rear shocks are no longer made, but if you find a good set (ebay, ebay, and more ebay)..they can be reconditioned. (as I understand it, Ikon bought koni) but Ikon does not service koni