I think, (and Glenn can clarify this) but back in the dark ages, when we had the members gallery, you could search by member name, or by bike model, or by catagories such as "chopper" "custom" "stock" etc. so you could concievably (where is the spellchecker here?) look up "stock cb550 K" and see all the members who had uploaded pics of their bikes that fit this catagory. Course, it was labor intensive on Carlos's part, but it made for a great reference especially for colors and minor model changes. Someone way more tech savvy than myself would have to enlighten more as to what would be involved in this. I think when I did mine in '96 or so, it meant taking a picture, waiting for CVS to develop it, bringing it to my friends house to be scanned and saved on a 3.5 floppy, loading it on my 'puter and emailing it to someone blah,blah blah.
Chris in Boston