Good evening, all. First post.
My son and I are trying to revive a 1978 CB750K. We have gone through the carbs, spun in some new plugs, discovered my feeler gauges were missing so had to stop prior to any adjustments except the cam chain.
We've sonic cleaned the carb's covers and small bits, carb cleaned and piano wired the passageways, put in new gaskets and accelerator pump, cranked on new boots, put the idle mixture screws to 1.5 turns, and reassembled. The bike immediately starts and idles, but won't run once the choke is pushed in more than just a hair.
With a severe lean condition in mind, I pulled out my little torch and propane the intake area searching for a leak. Nada. Searched all over the carb bodies. Nothing. confirmed propane is still flammable by passing it in front of the carbs. Yup, still burns.
So, tomorrow we pull the carbs back off. Where do we start looking? It has no low speed jets, so I'm kinda at a loss. Any ideas?
ALSO, when you look at the pump carburetor's float bowl, there is a square brass plug under an o-ring in one of the pump's passages. Should that move? What is it? it accidently got media blasted.
Thanks all!