Author Topic: Battery at 19+ volts  (Read 358 times)

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Offline jc914

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Battery at 19+ volts
« on: February 17, 2018, 12:52:52 PM »

I recently bought a new battery, filled it with the provided acid, then charged it w/ the Battery Tender Plus!.  I let it charge for over a day in "storage" mode, then installed it on the bike.  While the bike was running, I took a reading w/ a voltmeter, it read 17-18 volts.  After running for 5 minutes, I disconnected the neg. connection then the motor instantly died.  I reconnected the battery and it ran fine.  I then disconnected the terminals and the battery was at 18+ volts.  I also tested the Battery Tender Plus with a voltmeter and it read 0.00!  An hour later, I took another reading of the battery, currently at 19.4 volts.  I left it in a bucket on the patio for now.  Hopefully it won't blow up.

1.  Is there a safe way to lower the battery voltage?
2.  Is the Battery Tender bad?  The red "charging" light was blinking when blinking when I was testing it.
3.  Is the engine suppose to die when the battery is disconnected?

I'll check the rectifier and regulator since they are originals.  Perhaps one is bad and overcharging the battery.

Thanks in advance!

'74 Honda CB550
« Last Edit: February 17, 2018, 09:08:52 PM by jc914 »
1974 CB550K0