Ive got a '73 750K. 30kish miles. Fairly good shape, usually doesn't give me issues.
I did my spring tune up which consisted of Quick carb check, Battery charge, Valve check, Point gap check, Cam chain adjust, New plugs, New ignition coils (I discovered I had weak spark caused by bad plug wires)
I kicked it over and it started up first kick & idled. Ran really good..until about 5 minutes later.
I went to turn my headlight on for a quick lights check and soon as I did the bike died. No sputter, No spit. Just died.
I kicked it over again, boom starts up. I go to use the horn this time it dies. At this point I try to use the electric starter to fire it up and as soon as I pressed the button I heard a little click & my electrics died.
I looked over the wiring harness up to the steering stem and cannot find any lose connectors or cuts. Not sure where to go from here...
The bike will run fine, long as I use the kick starter & do not touch any electrical switches.
I disconnected my new ignition coils & tried using a electrical component switch and am still getting the system to "trip" out.