Author Topic: This is why I hate ordering stuff online  (Read 3063 times)

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This is why I hate ordering stuff online
« on: January 09, 2007, 10:34:39 AM »
Ok for those not following the screwed online saga here is a quick recap.

1 Set of carbs said to be rebuilt were totally thrashed and NOT rebuilt ( cb650 and hcritz have been kind enough to offer a  hand with this one)

2 Bought a shock thinking it was  two my own fault for not reading the ultra fine print (thanks to Dragman836 for helping me out with this one)

3 Ordered crashbars on jcwhitney in October kept being delayed then a few days ago they email saying after almost four months that they no longer carry them.Yet they are still being listed on there website for my bike.

4 Ordered a new front tire 110/90-19 well arrives today and it is a 100/90-19 I call and after being on hold for forty five minutes a young puke come on and says there is not a big enough difference on size to matter and that is without even asking what bike it was going on.Then says it will cost me 40 bucks to mail it back and get the right size.

Oh and for bonus the bike was bought off the net :P

P.S. If it wasn't for the wonderful folks on this forum helping me out I probably would have gave up on this bike by now after all these dang ripoffs and set backs.You guys even helped me out with a certain kickstand issue aka I didn't have one :P
« Last Edit: January 09, 2007, 01:08:20 PM by Bowman »

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Re: This is why I hate ordering stuff online
« Reply #1 on: January 09, 2007, 10:39:43 AM »
Really sorry for your trouble and frustration.  I'd be about ready to hit someone, for sure.

That tire purchase sounds like it was from a business.  You might post who and where in the Seller Feedback section, so we can all avoid them.  Then I'd contact the company again, speak with a manager, and let them know their lousy reputation is now worlwide, and why.  It's probably the only way to hope to improve this stuff.  Not vindictive mind you; just corrective.

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Re: This is why I hate ordering stuff online
« Reply #2 on: January 09, 2007, 10:49:29 AM »
if it helps... i got to rip a punk a new one on the phone this morning for f'ing up my circuit city rebate... twice! 

of course they still got the last laugh because i have to wait another month  >:(  i've been waiting 5   >:( >:(
Today: '73 cb350f, '96 Ducati 900 Supersport
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Offline mick750F

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Re: This is why I hate ordering stuff online
« Reply #3 on: January 09, 2007, 10:54:51 AM »
  If that tire was ordered from a business and they sent the wrong one then it's up to them to pay any shipping charges. Speak to someone in charge to see if you can get it straightened out. Mention their state's Attorney Generals Office of Consumer Affairs if you have to.

Glosta, MA
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Re: This is why I hate ordering stuff online
« Reply #4 on: January 09, 2007, 12:14:14 PM »
Unfortunately it is very much the squeaky wheel that gets the grease when it comes to mail order. Sorry about the pun. We in Canada and the US are so numbed to poor customer service that we generally do nothing about it, and just decide never to shop at that retailer again. Trouble with that is that the retailer does not get the opprotunity to correct their shortcomings.

Being the GHOF that I am I will not stand for poor service and I make sure that the appropriate people get to hear about it.

If it is a business transaction and they are at fault you certainly have the right to get the situation resolved at their expense.
Nick J. Member #3247

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Re: This is why I hate ordering stuff online
« Reply #5 on: January 09, 2007, 02:00:22 PM »
Unfortunately it is very much the squeaky wheel that gets the grease when it comes to mail order. Sorry about the pun. We in Canada and the US are so numbed to poor customer service that we generally do nothing about it, and just decide never to shop at that retailer again. Trouble with that is that the retailer does not get the opprotunity to correct their shortcomings.

Being the GHOF that I am I will not stand for poor service and I make sure that the appropriate people get to hear about it.

If it is a business transaction and they are at fault you certainly have the right to get the situation resolved at their expense.

GHOF .... thought I knew all of these...  ???
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Re: This is why I hate ordering stuff online
« Reply #6 on: January 09, 2007, 03:20:18 PM »
Depending on how pissed off you still are, writing a letter can do wonders. I mean an actual, pen-to-paper and put it in the mail letter. I've done it three times over the past four years when I came across REALLY poor service from legitimate companies. Each and every time, I received a phone call with apology and the money for either the services or the item was immediately refunded. I gather that they're so unused to getting mail that it freaks them out...or perhaps they figure that if you have the time to write a letter, you have the time to raise hell forever.  ;D
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Re: This is why I hate ordering stuff online
« Reply #7 on: January 09, 2007, 04:15:34 PM »
author=kach_me link=topic=17207.msg177563#msg177563 date=1168380022]
GHOF .... thought I knew all of these...  ???

Grey haired old fart.
« Last Edit: January 09, 2007, 06:15:06 PM by Bob Wessner »
Nick J. Member #3247

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Re: This is why I hate ordering stuff online
« Reply #8 on: January 09, 2007, 06:23:38 PM »
I usually do a fair job of getting satisfaction and sometimes do it for friends and family.  My sister calls me Bizarro Umbudsman.  Here's some tips I've found useful if anyone is interested:

  • When calling, always ask for the name of the rep before continuing.  Get an extension if possible at all.  You want to be a pain to the same person over and over, and you want them to know that you are noting their name.  Ask for the spelling if it is a nonstandard name.  If they don't want to give you an extension, politely tell them how many times you've called and how long you've spent in a phone queue.
  • I've had success with a good cop/bad cop approach.  I start by being polite and understanding before becoming belligerant with a CSR until they want to get rid of me.  Then, I ask for a supervisor.  The supervisor has been warned that I'm torqued, but I come on sickly sweet.
  • A bit of the reasonable, "how are we going to resolve this?" helps with the above.
  • If the CSR/supervisor says, "We can't do that" ask them if they have done it in the past.  Usually they have; ask them when and under what circumstances.
  • Another approach to the above is to ask for the name and number for someone in the company who can help you.
  • Never tell (or threaten) the CSR/supervisor what you are going to do next (i.e., don't say that you're going to contact the office of consumer affairs).
  • If it's an online business, gather all information you can.  Try to bring the gun to the knife fight.  Searches are good.  Most states have business records online.  This may give you information about addresses, owners, complaints, etc.  A WHOIS search may provide contacts who really don't want to be bothered by you. 
  • WHOIS information has helped me in the past.  It works if it puts you in touch with a caring person who wants to help.  WHOIS information is the publicly available information about each web domain.
  • Phase two starts with letter writing.
  • Draft a letter.  Wait a day or more.  Go back and strip out all the emotion and make it as fact-based as possible.  You can chuck in a bit of emotion at the end, "I was extremely hurt, and I don't want others to go through what I experienced."
  • CC anyone who might have jurisdiction.  It's bad enough receiving a complaint; it's worse if the receiver knows many eyes are watching.
  • Figure out what agencies might care; it doesn't matter whether they do.  I once had a major issue with an extremely large bank, and I sent a letter to the state banking commissioner and cc'd the bank president.  The problem got solved to a degree I would not have thought possible.
Of course, the amount of money and time to spend to spend determines how far to take things.
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'Ere's whatcha do, Guvna', just throw a couple dookie logs in the hearth and bob's your uncle!
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Offline Bob Wessner

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Re: This is why I hate ordering stuff online
« Reply #9 on: January 09, 2007, 06:26:32 PM »
Next time any of us have to deal with an SOB, can we rent you?  ;D
We'll all be someone else's PO some day.


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Re: This is why I hate ordering stuff online
« Reply #10 on: January 09, 2007, 06:36:58 PM »
wow burmashave

You have this down to a science remind me never to make you mad.  ;D

Offline burmashave

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Re: This is why I hate ordering stuff online
« Reply #11 on: January 09, 2007, 06:44:35 PM »
wow burmashave

You have this down to a science remind me never to make you mad.  ;D

I know I've left out stuff.  I'll updated it later. ;D

Seriously, you don't have to do all of the above; however, some tips are really useful, like asking if an exception has ever been made before.
Quote from: SOHC Digger, RIP
'Ere's whatcha do, Guvna', just throw a couple dookie logs in the hearth and bob's your uncle!
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Offline burmashave

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Re: This is why I hate ordering stuff online
« Reply #12 on: January 10, 2007, 09:34:27 AM »
Hey, I also recommend doing the opposite when you receive above average customer support (this is much more important than knowing how to receive satisfaction).  If I talk to a CSR who is very helpful, I always ask to speak to his/her supervisor so that I can tell him/her what good service I've received.  I'll make the extra call if that's what it takes, or ask a service person if they have a customer feedback form for me.  I do this especially when I've had difficulty and finally find someone who is helpful.  It is right to reward good service.

Also, I choose my businesses by customer service.  Americans tend to shop based primarily on price; however, one needs to wonder how the low cost provider can provide good customer service.  Usually, they cannot.  I don't think it's fair to buy the cheapest product and then expect the best customer service.  I often see this in the electronics business.  People will say that they spent an hour on the phone only to speak to someone who can barely speak English.  I ask, "Did you take customer service into account when you purchased it?"  Of course, this doesn't work so well with Internet purchases; however, my rule there is to try to shop from sites that appear to be professionally designed -- going on the theory that you don't put cheap wine in good bottles.

Edit 10 Jan: When providing positive feedback, I've found it helps to be as specific as possible: the rep was very knowledgeable about your products; the installer was efficient and did an extremely professional looking job; the rep went the extra mile to resolve my issue; the service person was prompt and efficient; etc.  The reason is that specific compliments are more likely to "stick" than are general comments.  In rare cases, I have dashed off a letter; it's easy to dash off the three lines for a positive letter, and this is very helpful for the type of professionals who have a file that gets reviewed annually or for reps who take ownership of a long running problem.

For anyone who hasn't done this, do it, do it and you'll enjoy the experience.  It's fun to hear the suprise in CSR's voice when asked to be transferred to someone in order to say something good.  I've had a few experiences in which the person had to check to find out how positive feedback is to be handled. ;D
« Last Edit: January 10, 2007, 10:19:58 AM by burmashave »
Quote from: SOHC Digger, RIP
'Ere's whatcha do, Guvna', just throw a couple dookie logs in the hearth and bob's your uncle!
'77 CB750k

Offline Rushoid

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Re: This is why I hate ordering stuff online
« Reply #13 on: January 10, 2007, 10:26:26 AM »
I tend to take customer service into account no matter what I'm buying. I'll go across town when I'm in the mood for Taco Bell rather than go to the one close by just for that reason. It's worth the extra time and gas (no pun intended) to deal with friendly people that usually get my order right. Same goes for electronics, auto parts, groceries, etc.

When things do go sour, I have my wife call. She's very good at getting what she wants ( ::) ) and she usually mirrors Burma's guidelines. I lose my temper way too easily and that usually flies about as well as a crap-filled Frisbee!  ;D ;D ;D

Funny thing is that, as a service manager, a lot of my job is customer service/relations. I have an amazing amount of patience when dealing with customers and I always try to be helpful. If I don't know the answer, I find it for them. Or at least give them to someone who knows.
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Re: This is why I hate ordering stuff online
« Reply #14 on: January 10, 2007, 10:29:10 AM »
I tend to take customer service into account no matter what I'm buying. I'll go across town when I'm in the mood for Taco Bell rather than go to the one close by just for that reason. It's worth the extra time and gas (no pun intended) to deal with friendly people that usually get my order right. Same goes for electronics, auto parts, groceries, etc.

When things do go sour, I have my wife call. She's very good at getting what she wants ( ::) ) and she usually mirrors Burma's guidelines. I lose my temper way too easily and that usually flies about as well as a crap-filled Frisbee!  ;D ;D ;D

Funny thing is that, as a service manager, a lot of my job is customer service/relations. I have an amazing amount of patience when dealing with customers and I always try to be helpful. If I don't know the answer, I find it for them. Or at least give them to someone who knows.

Send me a customer service form, and I'll compliment you on excellent service -- especially about the use of the newest catch phrases. ;D
Quote from: SOHC Digger, RIP
'Ere's whatcha do, Guvna', just throw a couple dookie logs in the hearth and bob's your uncle!
'77 CB750k

Offline Rushoid

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Re: This is why I hate ordering stuff online
« Reply #15 on: January 10, 2007, 10:31:05 AM »
I tend to take customer service into account no matter what I'm buying. I'll go across town when I'm in the mood for Taco Bell rather than go to the one close by just for that reason. It's worth the extra time and gas (no pun intended) to deal with friendly people that usually get my order right. Same goes for electronics, auto parts, groceries, etc.

When things do go sour, I have my wife call. She's very good at getting what she wants ( ::) ) and she usually mirrors Burma's guidelines. I lose my temper way too easily and that usually flies about as well as a crap-filled Frisbee!  ;D ;D ;D

Funny thing is that, as a service manager, a lot of my job is customer service/relations. I have an amazing amount of patience when dealing with customers and I always try to be helpful. If I don't know the answer, I find it for them. Or at least give them to someone who knows.

Send me a customer service form, and I'll compliment you on excellent service -- especially about the use of the newest catch phrases. ;D
Bwaahaahaa!!! I just had to do it!
Go Cards!! Go Colts!! Go Bucks!!

SOHC/4 Member #3452


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Re: This is why I hate ordering stuff online
« Reply #16 on: January 13, 2007, 12:54:41 PM »
Well crap they pretty much refuse to take it back now becuase I complained.Anybody know if running a 100 in the place of a 110 will cause any problems? >:(

Offline burmashave

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Re: This is why I hate ordering stuff online
« Reply #17 on: January 13, 2007, 01:27:09 PM »
Bowman, who's the vendor?  You can PM it to me if you want.  I'm just curious.  You haven't used the tire yet have you?
Quote from: SOHC Digger, RIP
'Ere's whatcha do, Guvna', just throw a couple dookie logs in the hearth and bob's your uncle!
'77 CB750k

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Re: This is why I hate ordering stuff online
« Reply #18 on: January 13, 2007, 02:03:21 PM »
Well crap they pretty much refuse to take it back now becuase I complained.Anybody know if running a 100 in the place of a 110 will cause any problems? >:(

what's the address... its hatemail time  8)  <--- incognito glasses  ;)

so, did they call you a big fat complainer and hang up on you?  filing complaints is the only way to return an item... what do they expect 
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Re: This is why I hate ordering stuff online
« Reply #19 on: January 13, 2007, 02:09:58 PM »
Once again they said that 100 and 110 was not A big enough difference to matter I said I don't care that I ordered a 110 and that is what I wanted.This went back and forth with about 4 people till they finally said it would be a waste of there time and man power to process a return for a cosmetic difference hung up on me.When I called back my number had been blocked.

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Re: This is why I hate ordering stuff online
« Reply #20 on: January 13, 2007, 02:20:08 PM »
bowman... i urge you to put their name out there... we do not want to fall for their same bullsp!t.
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Re: This is why I hate ordering stuff online
« Reply #21 on: January 13, 2007, 02:34:31 PM »
Yeah....sounds like this place needs to be put on the bad guys list for sure!!! I'd be spittin mad if they told me it didn't make enough difference being one size off. Let us know who we are dealing with and I for one will start some s#$t with them.That is just no way to do business and people need to do something about it.
MEMBER # 257
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Re: This is why I hate ordering stuff online
« Reply #22 on: January 13, 2007, 03:06:30 PM »
Did you pay for it with a credit card?  If so, you should be able to call them and have them do a chargeback.

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Re: This is why I hate ordering stuff online
« Reply #23 on: January 13, 2007, 03:27:36 PM »
Yeah....and then let the little jerk-offs figure out how to get their stupid tire back!!!!
MEMBER # 257
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Re: This is why I hate ordering stuff online
« Reply #24 on: January 13, 2007, 05:33:05 PM »
So by them, I could put a gas tank from a caddy on the bike? it's only a cosmetic difference. :P