So I’ll wrap this thread up. Not really 100% sure what did it but 3 good rides without an issue. Thanks for all the help everyone!
Dang. And here I was hoping for an Eureka! moment since I have the same issue. Perhaps when I go riding a few times it'll settle itslef also.
Alaxy I thought I was having a similar problem about a month ago, but I figured out what was happening, maybe you have the same thing.
Mine seemed like the idle would climb, hang when hot, really, it was only happening when I pulled up to park and had the petcock off, but engine running... I related the issue to the engine being warm... In reality it was just the petcock being off and the carbs trying to suck some gas.
I went and removed the petcock, and the whole assy., lines, filter, petcock, was all clogged up. I cleaned it all up out and it doesn't happen anymore. So I am thinking that the warm engine had nothing to do with it, just some minor fuel constriction issues that i only noticed when stopped, i.e. after a ride.