@Rocking-M: You are blessed with gorgeous animals, although I am bepuzzled as to how Sambo and Miss Cotton got their names. Also, is that your great-great-great grandfather in the B&W picture, or do you do re-enactments? Are they cavalry re-enactments, or do you get to be the officer?
@Matt: Dat's a big dog, and he looks to be a gem. It's amazing that such a small pup could survive any time exposed in the snow.
@Fuzzy: Does she have a name yet? How's she getting on?
@Chris: Congrats. Is this your first adventure with a dog with rubber band legs?
Here's the newest member of our household. Her name is Bella. We adopted her from a shelter about a month ago. She had been abandoned at the shelter at night, so we don't know much about her. We think she's about 3 years old and mebbe a cross between a Lab and an Australian Shepard.
Most importantly, she's a gem! She's very affectionate and well behaved.
After she arrived, she spent her first days luxuriating and sleeping in Lucy's big bed.

"Picture Tabblo" of Bella, Lucy, Sasha and Trueman: