Author Topic: 1979 CB400 "SS"  (Read 1714 times)

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1979 CB400 "SS"
« on: July 26, 2018, 05:17:52 PM »
Hi All,
I thought I'd share this bike I built in the mid '90's... I'd love to know if it still exists today. I live in Chula Vista, San Diego Ca.
Maybe, someones seen it...

1979 Honda CB400 "SS" :)

It turned out really cool!

Sadly, I didn't make copies of the bill of sale, which I always do, I sold it to maybe a Filipino looking guy who said he was a Barista at that time...
If I remember correctly he was living in Encinitas at the time... I know it's been 20+ years ago...

The bike could be in a heap at the salvage yard or in a lake... :)