To quote a trek episode from last night:
"I hate people, but I REALLY hate doctors."
Troi: "Last time I checked, doctors ARE people?"
"No they're not! Ask any patient!"
It made me lol.
At school waiting for the book store to open so I can grab some batteries for my dead calculator.
I swear all the special people show up at "#$%*ing early, AM" just to yell blunt one-liners at each other while the caffeine-deficient of us try not to hurt people.
Seriously. Who the hell argues about someone being "grumpy"? Who the hell USES the word grumpy?
For Christ's sake, open a damn thesaurus. "Crotchety, cantankerous, crabby! Ill tempered! BAD tempered! Curmudgeonly! Tetchy. Touchy. #$%*y. Angry. SOUR. Prickly. Crusty. Irascible. Bearish, churlish, surly! Hoppin hot momma they could've at least said 'cross' or 'snappish' or some other sort of pretentious word that stupid people really can't grasp but they've heard it enough to repeat it.
I want the world to shut the hell up and give me a Rockstar.
I missed my bus and had to drive, and had to park way out in the boonies. I can't find my classroom, where the HELL in BFE is room 132b, besides "hidden behind the welding dept." IT'S A #$%*ING MATH CLASS, PUT IT NEAR THE MATH DEPARTMENT!!!!!!!!!!
then I have 4 hrs from the end of math to the beginning of Softball. Yay. I hope to god I'm not stuck with a bunch of sweaty moosies who just want to beat on things. I hope at least one knows what deodorant is.
A bunch of our mc parts came in and they're all sitting in the car, waiting until tomorrow when I can do something with them.
Had to pay 6x the original OEM honda cost for a damn spark plug wrench because the moco in their infinite wisdom decided to discontinue it... but reaching 2 and 3 more easily makes it worth it... sorta.
That's it.
Good morning, F*ck the world.