So it begins, yesterday I took the plunge and became one of the cool kids when I bought this beauty. On the advice of a couple friends they recommended I start a project thread here.
Overview to start, the engine is pristine. Turns fine, shifts through the gears perfectly. Carbs are in need of a clean and a sync so that's what I'm tackling first since it's cold as hell in the garage I'm using.
As far as what it needs, so far a new exhaust, I'm thinking a 4 into 1 but not decided yet, an airbox, new headlight, grips/throttle. I'd like to put new gauges as the current ones are bare bones with no indicator lights (any advice here would be much appreciated). I may change some things down the road but first things first to get her running well.
Happy for any advice/help I can get, total newbie to sohc and older bikes in general so I'm sure I'll be one here quite a bit.
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