Hi all,
I am rebuilding a 77' CB550. It only has 19k miles on it, but the PO left a spark plug out and it was sitting under the eves, so the number 2 cylinder was seized and has some rust build up. I honed all the cylinders, but the one that had the rust build up has very shallow pitting (see attached photos) that you can feel when you run your finger over it. I'm not sure if I should try honing it some more or just leave it. I was going to use the 4 into 1 full rebuild kit along with a new cam chain (had to cut the old one since it was seized). Another concern I have is the primary drive chain seems a little loose, so I am not sure if I should replace that or not while I have it apart. Other than that one cylinder it seems to be in good condition, although I have not checked the valve seats or guides yet.
My questions are:
1. Is the 4 into 1 rebuild kit high quality?
2. What should I do about the number 2 cylinder?
3. Is the Primary Drive chain too loose?
4. What is the best endless cam chain that I can buy that is not super expensive?
Also is there anything specific to this engine or Honda's that I should know when rebuilding it? I've rebuilt cars and Yamaha bikes, but this is my first Honda.
Thanks in advance

P.S. most the the black-grey in the picture is staining, the actually pitting is not very wide spread.
https://imgur.com/a/nTSthD3 -Primary Drive chain video