I think this bike should have come with some sort of starter safety system so you can use the electric starter in neutral or with the clutch disengaged, but not in gear with clutch engaged. That may have been removed.
For simple wiring bypassing any safety system: you must have found the neutral light wires. If this is an LED you will need to watch polarity - it won't light with polarity reversed but no damage is done that way.
One wire from the neutral lamp goes to switched power, any black wire.
The other wire goes to the wire from the neutral switch. In neutral, the switch grounds that wire completing the lamp circuit.
If your digital dashboard expects a switched power for the neutral light and has no way to change that, you're either screwed... or need to add something like a relay to make it work.
You can check the neutral switch with a test light or Ohm meter - it should close to ground in neutral, with no connection to ground in gear. There is no way to change/rewire/modify it to switch battery power rather than ground.
Starter function with modified harness:
The usual way to remove the safety diode or module is to directly ground one wire to the starter solenoid coil, the other solenoid coil wire is switched battery power from the starter switch. Just try not to start it in gear.
With the diode removed or blown open and wiring unmodified, you can start with clutch pulled in but not just in neutral. Not sure what happens with a removed/blown starter safety module but I believe those were gone by 77 and replaced by the diode?