remove the front push bar cover bolt and place a thin punch inside to rest on the push par, it'll be protruding out of the hole in a resting state
then when you push the tensioner slipper down, the punch will come up.
when I do this, the sluipper just bends, and the punch doesn't move
on 2 motors so far ridden a whole bunch, i used to think the tensioners were stuck or broken. and they both work like they're supposed to, the spring tension is kind of hidden by it can't move much, so it seems like it's weak, but if you have cam off and the chain now is only around the crank, and you back off the lock bolt
I have not taken the crank off - what does that help? I'm willing to try, just curious.
that pushrod will then become like a bullet. just make sure you tighten the valve adjuster nuts sufficiently! and then some.
are you saying that removing the cam sprocket and shaft takes enough tension off the chain that the push rod can extend more easily?