John, I've always loved the the plated Rickman frames. Mine was replated, during that process, the detail of brazing [stack of dimes look] was polished down, so to an experienced eye it's not original looking.[ & no center stand]. I had hoped to preserve the shine with Sharkhide, with mixed results. So, even plated,it will never look perfectly original anyway.
I've powdercoated parts in nearchrome [ ?] it looked much like nickel. I would not want my frame blasted with coarse sand as powdercoaters like to do though.Powdercoaters are 10 to 1 to platers around here, and the turn around time is a week as opposed to 3 months.
If I did it again, I would still plate. If the frame had not already had the welds polished down, I would find a plater that could avoid the temptation to do so.I would even consider chrome . I'm not worried about embrittlement issues. I want the bike to have the same impact as it did when I admired them back in the day. If I was using it as a racing tool, I'd do neither, so I could watch it closely.
My 2 cents, Scott M.