Hi all,
I have been chasing gremlins on my 1977 CB550K3 and now, after a deep carb clean where I unplugged a couple of bowl breather holes and an overflow tube, the bike starts well (always has) but within 30 seconds from stone cold idles between 4.5 and 5k. When warm, just shoots up there straight away. No binding cables, the idle screw is fully off and the shaft rotates all the way to the "fast idle" screw (which I have not touched). Slides are not getting stuck anywhere.
3K miles tune up done and all the rest as suggested by this and other forums (or is it fora?), so I know it could be a series or a combination of factors that I have on a big list and will get to (it is mostly stock, but has paper air filter and 4 into 1 Delkevic exhaust, so some fine tuning will be needed), however, proceeding by elimination I wanted to check with the experts here that my slides are actually in the right position for idling. To be honest I thought they would much closer than this, but before I take the carbs off again I wanted to ask a wider audience.
The carbs have only been bench synced for now as I don't want to perform a proper vacuum sync at 4k RPM...
Are this simply too wide open for idling, meaning I must have messed up something when reassembling the throttle shaft? I have not taken the slides off their linking arms, so there is no chance that I put those back incorrectly (back to front, that is)
Apologies for the mini images...my usb camera is not the best, but it should give you an idea anyway. This is carb #2 viewed from the air box.
Many thanks for checking this out!!