Although I don't know anyone personally here in Mexico City who has contracted C19, I have friends in the US who have and friends of friends and coworkers who have died in Arizona. My wife's coworker in Switzerland said things have returned to near normal there, including public transportation and businesses, and he took a vacation at a lakefront beach.
Regarding the protests versus going to a bar, the differences are pretty apparent and logical as to why one would spread C19 more easily than the other. Protests are outside, most people are wearing masks, and in some cases trying to maintain social distancing. Wearing a mask is key, but so is the fact that they are outside. In a bar -- or a crowded rally at an church indoors, for example -- the air doesn't circulate and C19 spreads. In a bar, the reason to go is to drink, eat and talk, so mouth coverings don't work.
From the article:
"The Harper’s outbreak puts into clear focus the risks of dining out without a mask and without social distancing during the pandemic. People at the bar were observed lining up in crowds without leaving six feet of space between groups. Many people on the street were not wearing face masks, which are required by state executive order to enter any food and beverage establishment prior to being seated. Many restaurant owners and employees have spoken out about issues with enforcing mask rules, due to sometimes belligerent customers."
It's not difficult to see how they are completely different environments. And, as the article notes, some people have become belligerent about wearing masks. If one wants to think that is some kind of conspiracy -- on the part of the news media to support the protestors? On the part of the medical community to support the protestors? I am not sure I get the motivation here -- one is free to do so, of course. But I suspect it is not hard to understand why one is worse than the other.