Some of the reasons I don't post as much are:
1-I'm down to one CB750 (from

-it is not running,
2-I have a CH150 I use for daily commutes to the villages,
3-just bought a running Kawasaki ZR750H that I'm fixing/upgrading, and riding hundreds of miles a week,
4-restoring 2 Kawasaki's, 1976 KH500, 1972 S2, (at least that's where most of my $ is going)
-I feel the restorations of the above 2 bikes will be worth more than a restored 1976 CB750
5- time, too little of it w/ the wife's To Do List increasing on a weekly basis

This is a great site and I'll probably come back to it more often once winter arrives and the garage is insulated and heated, Then I can work on the cb750, sl175, and some of the other non-runners in the yard.