Turns out the left side exhaust that I had found on eBay fell through. Before it was shipped, the seller contacted me and let me know that it sounded like one of the baffles was rattling inside the muffler. So I opted to cancel the purchase. That is disappointing because it looked like it was in perfect shape. After this, I am thinking that I won't be able to keep the original mufflers. So for the time being I am going to repair what I have to see what my options are. At this point, I am thinking of just going with some slip ons to retain the 4 into 4.
So I dropped both exhaust so I could clean them up a bit too. Nothing too intense right now but I am going to get some of the filth off and treat some of the bad rust spots.
First I did some soup can and hose clamp repairs
And I hit some of the nasty rust with this. I intend to do a more thorough clean up once I figure out what to do with the mufflers.
The thing that has me unsure about using aftermarket mufflers is what to do about the kickstand bumpers afterwards.
The muffler covered with grease is th eonly one that is still in one piece
At least everything back to the mufflers still seems solid, just need to treat some rusty spots