This is about at 1977 Honda CB750 K7 - a never ending story. The bike is restored, engine by a good mechanich and the rest by me. On the first test ride, there were a noise from the clutcch/engine for a few seconds as I pulled off i 1. gear. Quite som rattle from the clutch, so I replaced the clutch fiber discs. There is still a lot of rattle from the clutch, pulling the clutch lever and the engine runs nice. New primary chain and cam chain. All adjusted and synchronised. There ar e no marks, fine metals grinds inside the clutch house, everything looks fine. Got my engine mechanich to take out the engine and open the cases, to see if there are any issues inside, like the bears, bearing etc. on the shaft the clutch is connected to. Nothing to report so far. Anyone had any similar problems?