Thanks Bill, yep, I've told myself that I want to be riding it by the 1st of October, and all going well, I'll meet, or even perhaps exceed that deadline, then I need to start thinking about the next one. The weather was marginally better today, still just as windy as yesterday, but it didn't feel as cold. I wandered out around 2pm, and the first thing I did was give the cylinders a quick hone. I was quite happy with the bores, no deep scratches, so good to go.
T500 Sunday 19 Sep 2021 by
Terry Prendergast, on Flickr
I installed both pistons onto their conrods, using heaps of redline assembly lube. I bought a tub from Hammer Performance in the US when I bought the first of the two big bore kits that I bought for my Harley Sportster, that I haven't fitted yet, 6 years on. I've used about half a tub on various CB750 engines, not to mention big Kawasaki engines, plus on my T350, it's great stuff. I used to only use engine oil and that's fine if you're gonna fire it up straight away, but if not, the oil runs away and you're left with not much in the way of lube, so not knowing when I'll have each engine running, I slop on some redline, just in case. I sprayed some WD40 into the cylinders, and slid them on, waaaaay easier than on a CB750.
T500 Sunday 19 Sep 2021 1 by
Terry Prendergast, on Flickr
Then disaster struck. With the T500, as well as the 4 cylinder head sleeve nuts, there are another 4 8mm bolts spaced around the head between them, to tighten the head to the cylinder. Not sure why, maybe Suzuki thought that the 4 sleeve nuts weren't enough, but regardless, the threaded holes for the 8 bolts were all stripped, fcuk! OK, I quickly helicoiled each hole, so it should be fine now.
T500 Sunday 19 Sep 2021 2 by
Terry Prendergast, on Flickr
But by the time I'd done 8 helicoils it was getting late, so I'll install the heads tomorrow, and torque them down. I am happy with the progress I'm making though, and I am glad that I ponied up the dough to get everything vapor blasted, it does look good.
T500 Sunday 19 Sep 2021 3 by
Terry Prendergast, on Flickr
I dragged myself inside and the wife reminded me that I'd promised to make my favourite dish, Spagooli. The wife says that I live, breathe and sleep rusty old motorcycles, but I don't know why. Dinner was lovely.

T500 Sunday 19 Sep 2021 4 by
Terry Prendergast, on Flickr