My 73 is stock except for MAC 4:2 slip ons. Carbs have been ultrasonically cleaned, floats initially set by measurement. Used my mercury carb sync and adjusted the mixture, and the bike ran strong up to redline. But it was cold blooded, requiring a couple minutes and choke fiddling to warm up, and would spew fuel out the overflows when taking off the center stand. I got a clear tube adapter and set to 3-4mm below the bowl mating surface, did on workbench with the carbs level. It was definitely high.
Started it up and wow, right away the bike needed very little choke and ran great in the garage at least. No more overflow problems either. I did the carb sync again and checked plugs, they're perfect. Took it out, and up to 5500 RPM or so it's fantastic, but then it just bogs and feels like fuel starvation. I didn't touch anything else. Valves are spot on, engine is tight and has even and good 150 compression on all 4 with a recent top end refresh. The only thing I did was set the floats. On the odd chance it was coincidence with something ignition related, I checked the advance mechanism, no problem there.
Taking carbs off again is probably in my future, but I thought I'd consult you guys on what to look for, I'm kind of stumped. Re-measure and possibly go a bit higher with float levels? That's all I can think of. Seems extremely sensitive.