Author Topic: What I learned in CB750 Clutch School the Hard Way  (Read 1129 times)

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What I learned in CB750 Clutch School the Hard Way
« on: October 16, 2021, 11:44:01 AM »
After much cursing, head scratching, clutch thread searching here is what I gleamed from the clutch rebuild on my CB750 Chopper.   

1.  Always reference the front and back half of the basket before installing the new discs. There is a 50/50 chance the rear grooves will not line up if installed the wrong way.  If done the clutch will not engage no matter how great of a job you think you have done. You do not have to ask how I know this....

2.  If there is any doubt what so ever about wear replace the cable and springs, they are not that expensive and well worth the investment. I also found my perch adjuster had gone into retirement with no notice.  As soon as pressure was applied any upper adjustment was lost due to worn threads.  As soon as those issues were addressed my clutch creep and hunting for neutral problem disappeared. 

The "Old Girl" shifts like butter now and once again someone who took the time to post a thread about basket alignment a while back helped me greatly.  I just thought I would return the favor for any other five thumb mechanics like yours truly....