This bike must have a Barnett clutch in it because it was stuck together today when attempting to get it started, it hadn't been engaged for 2-3 months...had to roll it to get it running and slam on the brakes to get them to break loose. Oil was coming out of a couple places then we noticed a whole bunch in the fins so I removed the carbs so the head can come off. I took it down the road and made it though all gears and that was the longest i've ridden the bike, It felt really, really great lol. These original cb500's are awesome.
I removed the luggage rack brackets for the turn signals and put the signals back in their original positions but I had to remove the grab bar and straighten one of the attachment mount first, put it in the vise. Removed the air filter and housing, airbox, carbs, clutch and cover, coils, exhaust, and now it's ready for Phil to do in the frame top end rebuild down to base gasket. Pulling the air filter housing, batter box and then removing the air box back through the triangle is by far the easiest way to remove all that stuff. I have my cb550 motor pulled out of the frame on the bench for him to tackle too. The rims cleaned up a little with some 0000 wool but I think I still want to replace the rims.... these K0 500's are NICE, maybe sell my 550 instead of this??
I put the black 550 tank I scored from mid-Ohio on it today and rode it around, replaced the incorrect bolts the PO installed with correct hardware on the fender support to fork lowers and still need to get the shock and sissy bar bolts correct. Need to order a rebuild kit for the petcock, grabbed fresh exhaust collars, the clutch cover was super clean on the inside I was happy to see it, polished the brake plate and power washed the bub, cleaned up the spokes, brake stay with steel wool.
here are some pictures.