Author Topic: Overcharging, definitely not the regulator/rectifier - Need Help  (Read 987 times)

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Offline esiotrot

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Overcharging, definitely not the regulator/rectifier - Need Help
« on: September 29, 2022, 07:15:29 PM »
Hey all, I've been lurking this forum for the better part of the last 4 years and you have all helped me out with every old honda I've fixed but I'm genuinely at a loss with this overcharging problem. This is my 5th cb550 rebuild with an m-unit and a shorai lithium battery so I am familiar with how the wiring is meant to be.

Plain and simple, after riding the bike around for 10-40 minutes, its completely random, the battery will begin overcharging up to 17v sometimes.
I have rewired the bike, checked every ground, cleaned contacts, replaced the stator, replaced the battery, replaced the regulator rectifier twice. I have even directly wired the regulator rectifiers black wire directly to battery positive to assess if it wasn't "sensing" voltage properly and it still began overcharging. I really don't know what else to try now. Any advice would be helpful. Tired of having rides stop short after a half hour.

Again, it doesn't begin overcharging the battery at all until I begin riding for a while.

I have also gone through the electronics flowchart numerous times and everything checks out, both on the side of the bike and the reg/rectifiers that i have used. I have plugged the regulator rectifiers in to another bike and have had no issues.
« Last Edit: September 29, 2022, 07:24:32 PM by esiotrot »

Offline scottly

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Re: Overcharging, definitely not the regulator/rectifier - Need Help
« Reply #1 on: October 02, 2022, 10:28:47 PM »
The most common mistake people seem to make with home-built wiring is not properly grounding the regulator. Some drawings show the green field wire connected to the reg green wire, but with the stock harness both are connected to a common green wire that is connected to frame ground. They both need to be grounded, not just connected to each other.
You didn't mention which brand of reg/rect you are using. There have been reports of some cheap Ebay units that are totally bogus. Hopefully you haven't caused too much damage to the battery from overcharging.
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