OK, fairly decent weather on tap for tomorrow. 20F in the morning, no biggie, but 40's in the afternoon. Guna take my second best gurl out tomorrow!!
Dropped a fully charged batt back in, closed up the float bowl drains, and gave her a few kicks with kill switch off to move some oil around.
Opened the petcock, a few minutes to fill the bowls back up, closed the choke and turned the kill switch to ON...
Here we go.....
Starter button and DAYUM!! prolly a crank and a half and she came to life!!! and not just a caught, caught, puff, puff, chitty, chitty, bang, bang kinda life, I mean she ROARED!!!
Warmed her up, slowly opened the choke until it was full open. Backed off the idle screw.... 1400..... 1200.... 1000.... DAYUM!! 800 RPM and holding a smooth, quiet and steady idle! She never did THAT before! Guess taking care to tune her by the book is paying off!
Checked the electrics, tire pressure, chain tension... don't know if I'll be able to sleep tonight.
OK, time to put up the beer AND close my copy of "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance."